
Last activity: 28 Nov 2019 10:22 EST
Error While Installing Pega personal edition 8.*
I am trying to install Pega 8 personal edition on Windows 7. While installing I get error as follows that I understand is due to fact that Postgress is being run with "unpreviliged" user . However during installation Pega never warns me or ask me to create such a user. This is really annoying. How do I fix this? I am not able to create an "Unpreviliged user" on my office laptop. I would have expected to installation to happen without error and Installer should fix these kinds of errors when all I want is to install it for learning purpose. Can someone help here?
[exec] selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... windows
[exec] creating configuration files ... ok
[exec] Execution of PostgreSQL by a user with administrative permissions is not
[exec] permitted.
[exec] The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent
[exec] possible system security compromises. See the documentation for
[exec] more information on how to properly start the server.
[exec] child process exited with exit code 1