
Last activity: 17 Dec 2019 6:38 EST
Error Unable to passivate page 'Unable to passivate page 'pxRequestor' on thread 'null' in production logs
Our application uses pega 7.3.1 , PM 7.31 and CRM 7.31. We are observing below errors in log.
com.pega.pegarules.session.external.mgmt.PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException: Unable to passivate page 'pxRequestor' on thread 'null' in requestor 'HHUX52PRQ683AN76SVP7OH71A2H5Y1QU0'. The following items were not serializable: [Property not serializable: "pxRequestor.pxHTTPServletResponse" Class: "weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl"].
PFA, complete error trace.
I could see hotfix is available for the same issue in 7.2.2 in link
Is this issue fixed in 7.3.1?