
Last activity: 21 Aug 2019 9:46 EDT
Error: There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator
Using Pega 7.2.1
Some times we get following error Message displayed in "ActivityStatusError" window "There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator", Stauts as "Fail"
Step to reproduce: In Designer Studio Developer Portal, Enter some value and press enter key to search. Error Message displayed in "ActivityStatusError" window "There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator", Stauts as "Fail".
In Working scenario: I observed, in normal scenario, value for pxObjClass property is "Data-Portal" in tracer.
Tracer analysis: There is no pxObjClass property on pyDisplayHarness page.
Log file:
Using Pega 7.2.1
Some times we get following error Message displayed in "ActivityStatusError" window "There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator", Stauts as "Fail"
Step to reproduce: In Designer Studio Developer Portal, Enter some value and press enter key to search. Error Message displayed in "ActivityStatusError" window "There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator", Stauts as "Fail".
In Working scenario: I observed, in normal scenario, value for pxObjClass property is "Data-Portal" in tracer.
Tracer analysis: There is no pxObjClass property on pyDisplayHarness page.
Log file:
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****