
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 30 Nov 2016 9:23 EST
Error message persists in the main screen after closing the modal window with validation errors
We have a screen from where on click of edit link, a modal window has been configured.
Inside teh modal window we have date fields and other amount fields. On entry of wrong value in any of those fields property validation messages gets thrown automatically. If the user just wants to close the modal window by clicking the Close"x" button in the corner of modal window, then the expectation is to clear the messages from not retaining once the window is closed. But the field level validations are persisting in the main screen not allowing the user to proceed with any other task. Only an external refresh solves the problem.
Pega version: 7.1.7
Is there any work around for eliminating the lingering issue? There is no hotfix being provided by pega right now.Please provide an information if there are any hotfix available in higher pega versions?
***Updated by Moderator: Lochan. Removed user added FAQ tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***
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Incessant Technologies
Did u try giving refresh action on the link after the modal dialog action is completed.This might clear the page messages.

Areteans Technologies
Use OOTB activity pageclearmessages as last action

Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Is this client side validation you are talking about ?

Wipro Ltd
If you are using the OOTB buttons section it may not be possible to clear the messages on the primary page/main screen because it will not proceeed to post process activity on click of Cancel/Close button..
To achieve this u can add custom buttons same as ootb buttons and configure actions for the cancel/close button as below
on click-Call activity( page clear msg on the primary page) and Cancel/close assignment.
u can put refresh section but u have to think about performace also before using this.
hope this will help you.

Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
We always clear the error messages before validating the input fields and executing post processing activity. The only case we won't be able to clear error message is that, if it is a dictionary validation i.e. when you are trying to submit a String value for a property configured with Integer type. In this scenario, engine will not let you clear those messages. These error messages can be cleared only by posting correct values back to the server.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Yes this is the issue for which the solution is needed. User is just entering an alphabet for the amount field and he is getting the default property validation issue stating abc is not a valida decimal value. Instead of clearing he is just closing the modal window. As a customer you would expect the window to close and to proceed with your work. But the validation carries on to the main screen and wont allow you to proceed with your other activities on screen. Unless you make an external refresh the error message from pyWorkPage won't get cleared.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Even the SR is resolved with the comment "An issue in the custom application code or rules" and for resolution its referred to the PSC. The property level validation errors should be cleared on closure of the default close (x) button in the modal window is the expectation. A solution for this from Pega side will be helpful so that as a user you expect the errors to be cleared on closure of the screen and not to persist along.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
can someone help in getting a solution for the above mentioned issue?

This should resolve the issue :

Cognizant Technology Solutions
The problem is occuring while we are closing the modal window using the modal window's default close (x) button in the top. We are not using our button to close the modal window. I am just entering alphabetic value to a decimal field and the pega's property level validation error message gets thrown (ex. abc is not a valid decimal value). So on closing the screen using the x button anyone will expect the error message to be discarded and to proceed with the case. But the property level error message is persisting in the main screen and its not allowing you to proceed or work anymore on the case until you make a refresh.
Please let me know If there is any way to control the modal window's default x button.

Pegasystems Inc.
Unfortunately i am not able to replicate the issue at my end with all out of the box component.
It is not retainging the error message upon closing the modal .
I used , onClick- Launch Local Action to launch my modal.
I also used out of the box perform harness under Pega-EndUserUI:07-10-13
Are you using these out of the box components or the harness etc are customized ?