
Last activity: 5 Jan 2017 22:49 EST
Error Message encountered "Server was unable to process request"
We need assistance for this encountered issue. When we tried editing a work item we encountered the following error message:
"Server was unable to process request. Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
Please let me know for the actions required from our end to fix this issue. We are all relatively new to PEGA Developer role.
You may see the attached screenshots for reference.
Dar Ganata
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Pegasystems Inc.
Is there a stack trace in the log? What do you see in Tracer when trying to edit the item?

Thanks for your response. I'm really sorry since im not familiar with the tracer tool. Please see the attached file for the screenshot of the Tracer when i tried clicking the Edit button.
Please guide me for the steps i need to resolve this issue.
Thanks so much.

Pegasystems Inc.
It looks like a SOAP service is being invoked. Is the error occurring in the SOAP call?

Yes you are correct. Upon checking the Tracer there is a FAIL step on the SOAP activity.
Thank you so much for your help, please we'll be needing your guidance to solve this issue.
Please see attached document for reference.
Dar Ganata

Pegasystems Inc.
click on 8th & 15thy steps of rule-connect-soap rule from the tracer, send us.

Pegasystems Inc.
When you click on the Fail rows in Tracer, what is the error message?

Hi Pyla,
Please see attached files for the steps and actual source code.
Dar Ganata

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Dar,
In your tracer screen shots, there are places where you see the word "Fail" in a red box. If you click on that, a window should pop up, hopefully telling you more about the fail. Can you click on the first one of those (presumably the later failures are as a result of this first one, although if you find that the error changes as some point, you could include that as well, along with whatever context you can muster)? The activity InvokeAxis2 fails at a Java step, so hopefully the error will help you figure out exactly where the java code is tripping up.
If you are comfortable going into the java, you can do a private checkout of the activity and add oLog.infoForced("debug statements"); to the code to get more insight into what's going on. That will write your custom message to the logs when you run the activity.