
Last activity: 18 Nov 2018 6:46 EST
Entity Extraction Rules Not working
Hi All,
In my text Analyzer i have an entity extraction . I modified my enttity rules as per the following link the
But When i run the Decision Data its not getting reflected. Even i tried with the example given above but its not working.
As i going looking for solution i found its a bug and there is a HotFix for it
So my concern is is the issue still not fixed in higher Version ?
Instance i am working on is 7.31 CS on 7.31
If its fixed what might be the issue.
All i am writing is simple ruta code to extract the CaseID.
Any help on this is really appreciated.
Sample Code
PACKAGE uima.ruta.example;
W{REGEXP("((?i)([C|PB|I|ENCT|PA]))(-)([0-9])+") -> MARK(VarA)
, MARK(EntityType,1,1) ,UNMARK(VarA)};