
Last activity: 13 Jun 2019 21:38 EDT
Enhancement Request - Citrix Context as Standalone Project in Mixed-Mode Solution
We have multiple solutions that share applications. However, one of the unshared applications is published on a Citrix server, which has led to one of our solutions being a mixed-mode solution. Documentation for mixed-mode Citrix solutions states that all components of the solution are required to be contained under a single project. Due to this requirement, all development changes made to the other shared apps used in the solution must be manually transferred into the mixed mode solution, while our solutions that are multi-project-capable pick up new changes with no additional effort.
The effort to transfer shared application changes into the mixed-mode solution rarely goes smoothly and regularly doubles the development time needed to make updates to applications shared with the mixed-mode solution.
Please allow mixed-mode Citrix solutions to contain multiple projects, and allow Citrix contexts to be contained within their own standalone, non-startup projects with the solution.
Thank You