
Macquarie Group
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
Editable Text Input does not allow dynamically changing values
I have a requirement in which I show a grid of credit cards and on click of each card, I have to show 90% of the credit limit of the card that was clicked on.
I am showing this (90% of the credit limit ) in a text input control because the value can be changed by the user. I am facing issues, as the values do not change while I click on different credit cards from the grid.
To my surprise, everything works as expected when I use Formatted Text control or I use Text Input with read-only always.
So, I infer that the problem might be with Text input with Editable or Auto control. Can you please help me with the issue.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rishab,
Can you try changing the cell property and making it editable in the presentation tab.

Macquarie Group
Hi Vikash,
If you see my question you will find that I face issue only when cell property is Editable / Auto.
i.e. The values don't change dynamically when cell property is Editable / Auto but it behaves well when I make the cell property as read only.
Please help...

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rishab,
Can you let me know the version of pega that you are using so that i can check if there is any bug in that version related to your issue.
Also please add the screen-shots of the configuration of the cell property.

Macquarie Group
We use Pega 7.1.7 version. Please find attached the screenshots of the cell properties.
For the shown configuration if editable mode is:
Read only -- Everything works fine as expected
Auto -- Does not work
Editable -- Does not work
Ramana Reddy Sergiu Marta

Pegasystems Inc.
It's hard to tell based on your description, and the lack of runtime screenshots, but if I were to muster a guess based on the data so far, it sounds like your design issue has to do with needing to refresh onchange/onfocus/onblur, etc and display this message. When you do this while in an editable control it will by default post the values to the server and undo any work you did when you tried to set the value.
If my interpretation is on point, then I would try disabling submit on refresh to see if it will address your issue. If not, then please show me the runtime screenshots along with the configured actions and what events are triggering them.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rishab,
How are you showing the 90% of the credit limit of the card that was clicked on.
For example is it a modal dialog or row expand on a grid, etc.
Could you please attach the screen shot of the cell properties of the grid.

Macquarie Group
Hi Vikash,
I calculate the 90% in a data transform that is run on refresh of section that carries the credit card image. On click of the credit card image, the same section is refreshed and the data transform is run. Thanks!

Pegasystems Inc.
You have two cases --working and non working.
Have you tried running tracer or fiddler and see the difference ?
Where it is failing ?
Also, I see that you are referencing pagename.propertyname in the cell. When you are changing the value but you are not seeing them getting updated , what is the value stored in the clipboard level ?

Macquarie Group
Hi Santanu,
When I keep the "non-working configurations", the values do not get updated on the referencing property in the page too. Thanks!
Updated: 11 Sep 2017 6:06 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Rishabh,
On click of credit card image in grid, you are running Data Transform to calculate 90% value, following refresh section, am i right?
Can you check the clipboard, for the property value referred in pxTextInput control for non-working cases.Does it have proper value?
Also can you share runtime behavior snapshots for failure cases

Macquarie Group
Hi Shibani,
On click of credit card image in grid, you are running Data Transform to calculate 90% value, following refresh section, am i right?
-- Yes
Can you check the clipboard, for the property value referred in pxTextInput control for non-working cases.Does it have proper value?
-- When I keep the "non-working configurations", the values do not get updated on the referencing property in the page too. Thanks!

Macquarie Group
Hi Ujjawal,
Thanks for your PM. I really appreciate your offer for help.
Below are the steps to reproduce:
Each credit card shown below corresponds to a section that is kept in a repeat dynamic layout. On click of any of the below credit card image, this section is refereshed that in turn runs a data transform.
This data transform is responsible for calculating the 90% of credit limit requirement.
This 90% of credit limit is nothing but the red-encircled Customer Requested box
As per the requirement, Customer requested value should vary on click of each different credit card as the credit limit of each card might be different.
This everything works fine if I keep the cell of the customer requested as formatted text control or a text input with read only (always)
Values do not get updated if I make text input as editable or auto
Requirement is to make this customer requested box as editable by the user.
Please refer attachment too.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Rishabh,
Please share snapshots for
1.repeating dynamic layout configuration ,
2.on click refresh section + run DT,
3.wrapper section where repeating dynamic layout and text input is present.
Is the section include in repeating dynamic layout is editable or readonly?

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Hi Rishab,
Were you able to solve this issue.Even i m stuck with similar kind of issue. The details what we are updating is not reflecting or getting updated to the clipboard page nor updating the details over the case. Any timely help is much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
Ryan Taylor

Have tried by making cell as editable.