editable data page
what are the use cases for editable data page?
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what are the use cases for editable data page?
Hi Gyan,
Please go through the below link to know more about Data pages and its usage which might be helpful for you. Data Pages
Hi Ravi,
Thank you for the advise. I had gone over it and found as below.
Editable — Provides the initial contents of a page that can be accessed in normal read-write mode.
The practical use for editable data page will be helpful.
Hi Gyan,
Leaving the default read-only edit mode value, the data page loads the first time it’s referenced and refreshes on subsequent access thereafter as determined by the refresh strategy.
"An editable page loads only once upon first reference and continues to use the same data upon subsequent references. This allows us to modify the page without worrying about overwriting the data. While data pages can be editable they do not automatically persist back to the source. That must be done explicitly."
Another difference between editable and read-only pages is "Editable pages" are displayed under user pages where as the "read only pages" are found under Data pages in the clipboard.
Kindly let me know if this information is helpful to you.
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