
Last activity: 22 Aug 2018 6:33 EDT
Dynamic Dropdown in Records tab of Datatype is not working
Add new property as pick list. and some text properties. and true flase property.
Add new property as pick list. and some text properties. and true flase property.
in records tab when you add new record, you can see check box for text. text filed for normal property. but picklist with dynamic list is not working.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated FDBK ID***
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Basil (Vasilii) Pozdeev Gugulothu Surya -
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Pegasystems Inc.
I guess that Datapage that you are using as a source is not having the value while you are trying to access it?
What mechanism you have to populate the data before you access it?
Run tracer or check clipboard to see whether data is present or not while working with the control.

That datapage has data. I am passing reports as param to that datapage, which should load list of report names from that table. That data page is being used in other areas of my application. just for testing I used that data page. On UI its not rendering as Dropdown, instead it shows a disabled textbox(I think)

Pegasystems Inc.
Is it a thread level or node level D page? Can you share the configuration of the D page?

Node level will share the details

Hi Was this issue resolved I am facing the same problem at my end.
Nixon Philip Istvan Szepkuti

Its not yet fixed,
I feel like its product issue, they are asking for some info which was in my draft earlier, i need to create that and provide. if you have your configs can you share mean while

Knowledge Expert
Hello, Any update please on that issue, we are facing the same problem here
Thank you !

Pegasystems Inc.
I see the issue that you are experiencing, the UI does not reflect the markup that is needed when you through a drop down control sourced through a clipboard/DP. If I do what you did in a regular section it works but not in a data type rule form. I doubt if this is supported to begin with, one of the Community moderators should be able to confirm that for you.
Updated: 27 Jul 2018 12:15 EDT

So it's a product issue. Can this be converted again as SR
Dhilip Kumar Lakshmanan

Could you please provide the screenshots.

Can this be converted as SR again.
I am adding datapage screenshots below.
TO GCS memeber, requesting you to try on your side before asking further information.

Pegasystems Inc.
This is not a supported use case (Launch pad team can confirm this), the pick list configuration only supports list configured using table types. The record editor cannot support configuring a Auto Generated control with pre-defined settings. If you need a dynamic dropdown the alternative is to use a non-auto control.
The reason why it is not possible is the columns of the record editor are dynamic the record editor uses a Table (Grid) configuration that is bound to a ReportDefinition (DataTableEditorReport for the data class) and the columns sourced dynamically from RD Definition. The way report definition column configuration works is it gets the control (control configured on column directly or on property ) configuration and merges the configuration with control configuration on the column of the report definition page while doing so it will ignore editable configuration of the control and only merges the read only configuration (RD are supposed to displayed only in readonly) so any editable configuration done on the autogenerated control is lost.

I tried including the control in report definition column format option, that is also not working.
Why this was limited to to Local list. (Seems a missing functionality)
RD is using prompt select as format for both dynamic and local list type columns.
But for Local list type property, control on the property is pxdropdown. it has editable configuration which is working in RD. its not working for non-pxdropdown (custom) control
what other options we have to enhance this behaviour, except customizing entire repeat grid, which needs to be delegated.
If this was only one datatype we can do custom screen, but we need this capablity in all of our delegated datatypes.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Hari,
A feedback request has been created on your behalf in our internal portal. The feedback ID is tagged to the issue description above (under Related Support Case Number). Use this FDBK ID as reference to connect with your Pega Account Executive to track the progress of this request.