
Virtusa Consulting & Services Pty Ltd
Last activity: 21 Feb 2017 16:00 EST
Implementation of Tab Harness and normal Harness dynamic display
In our application, we are using screen layout for portal display. We have a set of Navigation links on the left hand side. On right hand side is a section which has Tab Group with a 'MgrHome' harness in one tab and other tab is a Dynamic Container. When we click on 'My Work' navigation link on left, it displays Worklist/Workbasket screen. Each work item, when clicked, should open as a new tab. So for this we are using Tab Group with first tab as 'MgrHome' harness that displays Worklist and Workbaskets, since on load of the screen, the worklist screen has to be displayed. The second tab is a Dynamic Container, to support opening of work items as tabs(Tabbed Navigation). There are two problems with the requirement here:
1. When any other navigation link is clicked other than My Work, the harness shouldn't be a tab harness. For example if 'Dashboard' is clicked then only Dashboard should open as a standalone tab, but not as a new tab over the existing tabs. How do we achieve this?
2. As Worklist screen should display on load, we're using it as a default tab in tab group(the first tab). The second tab is a dynamic container. So upon loading, when My Work is clicked again, Worklist harness 'MgrHome' loads again as a new tab beside the existing tab in the dynamic container. But it should default to My Work itself. How do we achieve this?
In our application, we are using screen layout for portal display. We have a set of Navigation links on the left hand side. On right hand side is a section which has Tab Group with a 'MgrHome' harness in one tab and other tab is a Dynamic Container. When we click on 'My Work' navigation link on left, it displays Worklist/Workbasket screen. Each work item, when clicked, should open as a new tab. So for this we are using Tab Group with first tab as 'MgrHome' harness that displays Worklist and Workbaskets, since on load of the screen, the worklist screen has to be displayed. The second tab is a Dynamic Container, to support opening of work items as tabs(Tabbed Navigation). There are two problems with the requirement here:
1. When any other navigation link is clicked other than My Work, the harness shouldn't be a tab harness. For example if 'Dashboard' is clicked then only Dashboard should open as a standalone tab, but not as a new tab over the existing tabs. How do we achieve this?
2. As Worklist screen should display on load, we're using it as a default tab in tab group(the first tab). The second tab is a dynamic container. So upon loading, when My Work is clicked again, Worklist harness 'MgrHome' loads again as a new tab beside the existing tab in the dynamic container. But it should default to My Work itself. How do we achieve this?
Tried to display different sections in the main section. One section with Tab Group and another with a simple Dynamic Container. Tried to manage display of these sections dynamically with display conditions by setting flags on clicking navigation links. But somehow it isn't effective. Getting unpredictable outcomes. CSS doesn't load properly and the new harness replaces the entire screen instead of replacing current section.
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories & tagged SR Exists***