
Last activity: 22 Aug 2023 6:57 EDT
Datatype value is not displaying in records tab
Hi All,
when i click on the a row the data (value) displays for a column but when in click somewhere on the screen it's not visible. if i run the reportdefinition the data is not present.
Anybody faced similar issue?.
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Pegasystems Inc.
@SuryaG89 Hi can you delete that record and add it and see? Also, please do let us know if there is any warning that is appearing on the data type

@SrinidhiM i have updated for all 300k records from DB query. now when i click in pega for a particular row its shows old data for me and when i use opj-open some how taking old data for that row.

@BhanuPrakash_G Already checked it is same as of that earlier properties. what i did is added new columns to existing data table and populated these columns valuse by executing the one time utility. this when i see the issue

@SuryaG89 Could you check these:
- Are these newly created columns exposed
- are you able to seem them in the data base table and
- are values present for these columns?

@BhanuPrakash_G Yes those are exposed columns and there in DB also.

Areteans Technologies
@SuryaG89 It's not recommended to update the data from external sources. Obj-Open will fetch the data from BLOB column and you cannot update the same from the external DB queries. Using query you have updated the data in the exposed columns which will be ONLY used in reports but Obj-Open will always get data from the BLOB.

Tata Consultancy Services

Hey @Bhumireddy, Thank you!
But here I don't have BLOB column and I tried adding records manually to the Data type. Nothing worked.
And, We fixed this issue by changing the property type of this data type class key to Identifier. Previously it is of text type and defined as a key for the table. So the key is not storing to the db table. After making it as Identifier and key it got stored.