
Last activity: 4 Jan 2022 14:20 EST
Does "Run this agent on only one node at a time" prevent overlapping?
Hi All,
Run this agent on only one node at a time - agent runs on only one node at a specified time but does it prevent overlapping?
EG: if agent run takes 30 seconds to complete its execution. And the agent interval is 120 sec.
Node A: Agent start at 00:00:00, end at 00:00:30 Node B: even if it was going to run between 00:00:00 to 00:00:30 but it will not run and will run at 00:00:31, end at 00:01:00, is this correct?
In the multi-node environment if a agent is selected to run on multiple nodes and it is running on 1 node (Node A). so if "Run this agent on only one node at a time" is selected then the other nodes will wait for the completion of the agent run on Node A?