Do Pega HA settings do anything with on-prem docker systems? Do they only work on VM's?
Hello. I have noticed that with pega on (kuberneties) docker systems, with no HA on, when a pod crashes, on version 8.5.3, a user on that pod with a browser full of information then hitting submit will automatically swap to a new working docker web pod, without loosing any data, or even noticing they switched (if that other web pod was cached/in use already) response was < 1 second. If it was a cold web pod, one still wouldn't loose data, it would just take more time, as it did a standard pega cache load on a cold web pod. Is this what other docker users are seeing? I thought the HA settings would solve data loss on pod crash, but those HA settings only seem to apply to VM's which I didn't test? Is that what others are seeing? Are those HA settings only useful for VM's? (What do they do? seems like nothing for docker systems.)