
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 10 Jan 2019 23:28 EST
Difference in message when Robot executes a Macro
PEGA Robotics Version 8.0.1088.0
Scenario: Robot opens an excel file and executes a VBA macro defined in it. Macro saves the result in an output file already present in the file system. When the output file is a read-only file, Macro process fails.
Problem: When we compare the behavior when the above scenario is executed by Robot and manually by User, the error code is same but there is a difference in error messages displayed. This causes the error handling automations due to matching failure as the message text differs. Please refer the attached Excel file with screenshots of error messages. (Left side is manual, right side is when Robot executes it.)
I used to think that Robot won't modify the error messages native to the VBA macro, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't think that this is correct product behavior. If it is correct, may I know what is the thought process behind doing it and how is it achieved?
Thank you,
Best regards,
Mangesh Walhe
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***