Difference between flow and flow action
Difference between flow and flow action. Can someone explain
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Difference between flow and flow action. Can someone explain
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Category***
Accepted Solution
A flow models a business process in your application. It uses graphical shapes and connectors to define a sequence of events. Flows are associated with each step in a stage of a case type. You can edit flows with Process Modeler or Case Designer.
A flow action displays a task to users when they run flows. You can edit flow actions in Process Modeler or Case Designer.
There are two types of flow actions:
Connector — Completes the current assignment and advances the flow to the next shape in the sequence.
Connector flow actions are configured on the line shapes, or connectors, in a flow that exit assignment shapes.
Local — Leaves the current assignment open and does not advance the flow.
Local flow actions are configured on assignment shapes.
Hi Akash,
These links to the help doc could also help!
Flow Action:
More about Flows:
Let us know if you need more information.
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
thank all of you for the reply
Is this correct?
A Pega Flow is a diagram illustrating a process made up of multiple steps including flow actions. It is the collection of Pega shapes describing the process within a stage. It is not the connector between flow shapes. While a flow-action is one of the actions within the flow. On the flow diagram, flow actions are represented by either:
Connector flow action — Completes the current assignment and advances the flow to the next shape in the sequence.
Connector flow actions are configured on the line shapes, or connectors, in a flow that exit assignment shapes.
Local flow action — Leaves the current assignment open and does not advance the flow.
Local flow actions are configured on assignment shapes.
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