
Louis Dreyfus Company
Last activity: 28 Sep 2019 16:28 EDT
DevOps : Deployment Manager - Repository creation
We are trying to understand what is the best approach to create repository to enable CICD.
We have the following environments on premise:
- Dev ( 1 server)
- QA (1server)
- Staging (2 servers)
- Prod (2 servers)
- AES Not prod ( used for DEV/QA/Staging)
- AES Prod ( Prod)
We were thinking to deploy the Orchestrator to the AES Non Prod server.
Is it a good choice or dev server is better?
We are also wondering how and where to create the pega repository to hold Dev Repo and Production Repo.
For us, DEV repo could be on DEV server and production repo on Production servers. Are we right?
Is it possible to point a pega repository to a system that is load balanced? If not, should we put DEV repo on Orchestrator ( AES Non Prod) and Prod Repo on AES Prod ?
Last point, what's happen if the SOR/Pega repository is down?
Thank you,
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Louis Dreyfus Company
I found that using Pega repository isn't possible to store build artifact and have implemented jfrog repository.
I'm still not clear when to use pega artifact and if a SOR is just when you have remote development server or not.
Updated: 19 Sep 2018 5:21 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Which version of Deployment Manager are you presently using ?
I highly encourage that you go over the architecture and workflows at
This will really help you configure it going forward.
Kindly reach out to us if you still have some questions.
Best regards

Ernst & Young LLP
How to configure jfrog repository ? is there any specific pdn article ?

Pegasystems Inc.
There are instructions in the Deployment Manager help on how to create repositories -
If you follow the platform help link in there, it should take you to :
which will point you to the link for creating JFrog repository.

Create a Jfrog local artifactory. I have tried with maven repository. After creating repository in Jfrog, it will provide you a api through which artifactory can be accessed remotly. Use this api in HostID field. Repository Key will be created when you create a repository.
For authentication profile use admin credentials.

Ernst & Young LLP
Could you please help me to resolve the issue which i have posted in below URL?

Create a shared folder within the network. Check the attached picture for further reference.
Right click on folder which you wish to use as repository. Select Give Access To. Make sure that you provide Read/Write or Full Control access so the Pega can write zip or jar files to this folder.

Create a shared folder within the network. Check the attached picture for further reference.
Right click on folder which you wish to use as repository. Select Give Access To. Make sure that you provide Read/Write or Full Control access so the Pega can write zip or jar files to this folder.

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Create a shared folder within the network. Check the attached picture for further reference.
Right click on folder which you wish to use as repository. Select Give Access To. Make sure that you provide Read/Write or Full Control access so the Pega can write zip or jar files to this folder.

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Create a shared folder within the network. Check the attached picture for further reference.
Right click on folder which you wish to use as repository. Select Give Access To. Make sure that you provide Read/Write or Full Control access so the Pega can write zip or jar files to this folder.

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Create a shared folder within the network. Check the attached picture for further reference.
Right click on folder which you wish to use as repository. Select Give Access To. Make sure that you provide Read/Write or Full Control access so the Pega can write zip or jar files to this folder.