Deployment Manager-publish application archives into a repository
From i have learned, we could publish the exported application archives into a repository such as JFrog Artifactory to maintain a version history of deployable applications.
Are there any other preconditions for doing that besides a predefined RAP-rule?
In other words, is this step an automated step? Does it means, when the application was exported, the archive file was saved into repository automatically?
As far as i know, once the Applicaiton was exported, it would be save on a default ServiceExportPath(a tempDir).
I have created a Repository of JFrog Type, have tested with the DeploymentManager Release Pipeline, it has throwed an error msg at the first step.
ps: Can somebody give an example, how to fill the fields HostID and Repository key? According to the help document: Repository key is the root location on the JFrog server under which all artifacts are stored. But i don't know, what is the root location.
Repository key: /artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/generic-local