Detecting 'Service Unavailable' (Server error) when using Connect-REST
We are using a Connect-REST (method POST) and implementing a customized error handling.
When the service is unavailable (HTTP status 503) we need to catch it in Pega and inform the user that the service is unavailable.
Configuration information:
Connect-REST's processing option is intended for "queuing (response will not be available)"
Activity calling the Connect-REST:
If Execution Mode is set to 'Queue', tracer does not detect a Fail when the service is unavailable (pyStatusValue=Good). However, if we set the Execution Mode to 'Run' then we can detect a Fail when the service is unavailable.
Our concern in the 'Run' execution mode is that the next steps of the activity containing the Connect-REST does not execute until the connector response is received which could cause a problem if the response took a lot of time until it reaches Pega (bad user experience).
Is there a way to be able to detect if the Connect-REST got a 'Service Unavilable' response error (or any other Server error) while avoiding synchronous execution (only to avoid a bad user experience if response took a lot of time) ??
Thank you,
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories***