
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 17 May 2021 8:14 EDT
Decison Request Subject Not Available for Prediction
Our client would like to implement an adaptive model that makes decisions based on a customer's propensity to take some action that is deeper in the conversion funnel than a click. We are starting with propensity to enroll in a program associated with an action (for example, enrolling in online banking). Actions will be flagged as being of "enrollment" type, and propensity from this enrollment model will be used when ranking those actions for display in a channel.
Although I could just build the adaptive model and reference it directly to implement this requirement, I would like to use the Predictions functionality so our client can experience its value.
I'm planning to reference this prediction in the TreatmentLevelPropensityExt extension point strategy. I believe the context for this prediction should be Direction/Channel/Issue/Group/Action/Treatment, and that the correct class (Subject) for this prediction is Data-Decision-Request-Customer (Decision Request). However, when I try to build this prediction using the wizard, the Decision Request subject is not available. Only the data types defined in the Data Type Explorer in Dev Studio are available to be used as Subjects.
How can I build a prediction using Decision Request as the Subject?
Does the design that I describe above make sense based on the use case details I provided?