
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 4 Jan 2021 14:26 EST
Can all engagement policies be removed?
I am trying to remove all engagement policies from Account level actions in All Groups in NBA Designer, but it looks like this is not possible. Is that right?
See screen shot attached. You can see that I've removed all Account-level engagement policies, but one empty placeholder row remains that I am unable to delete. When I try to save, I get the error shown.
I am doing this for testing purposes, to see which of my engagement policies is causing an action not to be shown. However, I can see use cases where eligibility criteria may change or be entered incorrectly and need to be removed.
(I also tried to remove each engagement policy one at a time to test which one was causing the problem, but in no case did the action pass. My next step was going to be to removed all engagement policies to see if the action passed, but I don't see how I can do that.)