
Ministry of Education Saudi Arabia
Last activity: 30 Jan 2020 2:56 EST
DB Size is increasing rapidly
DB size is 477 GB now, increased 250GB in last 20 days, how to minimize data in the tables or is there a archival process and settings which will help us to clear data from some of the tables.
Pega: 7.3.1
Apache tomcat 8.5.5
DB: SQL Server
Any of the DSS / settings will help us to minimize the data storage?
DB size is 477 GB now, increased 250GB in last 20 days, how to minimize data in the tables or is there a archival process and settings which will help us to clear data from some of the tables.
Pega: 7.3.1
Apache tomcat 8.5.5
DB: SQL Server
Any of the DSS / settings will help us to minimize the data storage?
Pega-ProcessEngine pegarobotics/HeartbeatInterval 30
Pega-RulesEngine fua/minimumAgeToPurgeFromDatabase 30
Pega-RulesEngine fua/purgeAgeInDaysForRulesInLogUsage 30
Pega-RulesEngine fua/maximumApplicationsToPurge 1000
Pega-RulesEngine reporting/reportstatistics/minimumDaysToPurgeFromDatabase 30
Pega-RulesEngine database/databases/PegaRULES/TableStatisticsAgentInterval -1
Pega-RulesEngine database/databases/PegaDATA/TableStatisticsAgentInterval -1
Pega-RulesEngine database/databases/PegaRULES/BlobSizeAgentInterval -1
Pega-RulesEngine database/databases/PegaDATA/BlobSizeAgentInterval -1
Pega-UIEngine pyMaxrecentrecords 30
Pega-Engine prconfig/declaratives/declarepages/instancecountlimit/default 3000
Pega-Engine prconfig/fua/global/instancecountlimit 20000
Pega-Engine prconfig/fua/personal/instancecountlimit 20000
Pega-Engine prconfig/collections/mru/propertyreference/instancecountlimit 500000
Pega-Engine prconfig/declaratives/fragments/instancecountlimit/default 5000
Pega-Engine prconfig/datapages/mrucapacity/default 1000
Pega-Reporting reporting/cache/calculationstimeoutdays 7
Pega-Reporting reporting/cache/allmatchestimeoutdays 7
Pega-RulesEngine reporting/reportstatistics/cachesize 100
Pega-RULES indexing/selectedDayOfWeek 1
Pega-RULES indexing/frequency Hourly
Pega-RULES syslocks/defragIntervalInHours 24
Pega-RULES syslocks/defragHourOfDay 1
Pega-RULES syslocks/defragEnabled true
Pega-RULES syslocks/defragIntervalType DAILY
Pega-ProcessArchitect DecisionTableSizeThreshold 500
Pega-ProcessArchitect DecisionTableSizeThreshold2 50000
Pega-RulesEngine EventsRetentionPeriod 90
Please include if i miss any DSS / settings which will help us to increase application performance and also minimize data in DB tables.
We are trying to implement archival process to archive old resolved cases.
Attached scree shot with Top tables consuming more data.