
Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:35 EDT
Date format different in pega 8
In pega 7.4 I have a date time property and in ui it was displayed as 20.08.2020 by changing the format in the presentation tab of property in section.but in 8.4 version it's been displayed as 2020.08.20 even with same configuration .after changing diff format in presentation tab also it's not displaying correctly. Kindly help on this
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****
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Any replies here..

It will be helpful, if you can provide the screenshots of the config and it is not workign for that format or for all the formats.

The configuration is the property type is datetime then in readonly format I have selected datetime and the given format is 1/1/01 1 AM this is the same format I used in 7.4 also.there it's displayed as 20.08.2020 but in 8.4 is 2020.08.20. I tried almost all date format but it's the same

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Praveen,
Please raise SR for the issue.
Kaviya R

It's unfortunate that no one is helping here..

its a bit sad that nowadays there are limited suggestions or solutions for an issue posted here.

Pegasystems Inc.
HI @PraveenP7456,
Have you had a chance to review the Related Content on the left pane? You may find the answer in there? In the meantime I will reach out to some SMEs to assist.
Thank you,
Marissa | Senior Moderator | Pega Collaboration Center

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Praveen,
I've checked your configuration in a local 7.4 system using the UI Gallery. I selected the 1/1/01 1:00AM format as you stated. With this setting, I'd expect to see similar formatting with the slashes, not the dots as you mentioned. I tested with today's date (September 14th) and can see the following format:
9/14/2020 10:23AM
Since you are seeing a format with dots in both versions mentioned, my guess is that you have additional configuration somewhere altering this format, OR your browser and/or operating system locale may be affecting this somehow.
Could you please provide full screenshots of the presentation tab for this control, as well as any other configuration you have that would alter this date format. Also, please let us know what browser you are using, what the locale is set to, as well as your operating system and locale.
Thank you! Brian

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Praveen,
Operator locale affects the processing and presentation of dates, times, and numbers. Check the below link on the locale under localization header :
Please provide the screen shots as asked by the other engineers.
Thank you