Database server and ojdbc jar support for upgrade Pega 7.1.9 to Pega 8.X
Our details :
Pega upgrade from 7.1.9 to 8.6 | on Premise to On Premise | Pega platform | App server –WebLogic Proprietary information hidden | DB Server – Oracle server Proprietary information hidden
- Related to JDBC Drivers , we have noticed that only Ojdbc8.jar was mentioned (there is no mention of Ojdbc7 or Ojdbc6) – so is it safe to assume that none of the Pega versions 8.1 to 8.6 supports Ojdbc7.jar or Ojdbc6.jar ?
- Also it was mentioned that “For Oracle 12c, using the following version can cause synchronization to fail when adding an offline attachment: Proprietary information hidden.0. Instead, please use version Proprietary information hidden or later”
That means any of the Pega features would fail if we use Oracle Proprietary information hidden.0 for Pega 8.6 or do we need to definitely upgrade to Oracle Proprietary information hidden?
- On the same lines, related to Database server - it was mentioned as Oracle12c is supported for Pega versions 8.1 to 8.6.
Can you be specific with exact versions and confirm which all Pega versions support Oracle Proprietary information hidden.0 without any issues and for which versions we need to upgrade to Oracle Proprietary information hidden?
Any advice/direction would be much appreciated.