
Last activity: 4 Aug 2018 9:27 EDT
Database connection error while trying to install Pega Personal Edition 7.3
Hi All,
I am unable to install Pega personal edition 7.3 due to below error. I tried installation with below setting but still installation fails with below same error. Any suggestions?
1. Added port 5432 to firewall exception list
2. Logged in as administrator.
3. Firewall settings off.
Targets:Initialization,Database Server Installation,Data Load,Configuration,PRPC Launching
Buildfile: C:\Pega\Software\115490_PE7.3\.\pegaGuiInstallerTemp0\build.xml
[echo] Beginning installation of Pega Platform 7.3.0 Personal Edition -- this process should take about 5-10 minutes ...
[unzip] Expanding: C:\Pega\Software\115490_PE7.3\pegaGuiInstallerTemp0\ into C:\PRPCPersonalEdition
[echo] Configuring Tomcat (Setting Java Home and Catalina Home)...
[replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files.
[replace] Replaced 1 occurrences in 1 files.
[replace] Replaced 2 occurrences in 1 files.
[replace] Replaced 1 occurrences in 1 files.
Hi All,
I am unable to install Pega personal edition 7.3 due to below error. I tried installation with below setting but still installation fails with below same error. Any suggestions?
1. Added port 5432 to firewall exception list
2. Logged in as administrator.
3. Firewall settings off.
Targets:Initialization,Database Server Installation,Data Load,Configuration,PRPC Launching
Buildfile: C:\Pega\Software\115490_PE7.3\.\pegaGuiInstallerTemp0\build.xml
[echo] Beginning installation of Pega Platform 7.3.0 Personal Edition -- this process should take about 5-10 minutes ...
[unzip] Expanding: C:\Pega\Software\115490_PE7.3\pegaGuiInstallerTemp0\ into C:\PRPCPersonalEdition
[echo] Configuring Tomcat (Setting Java Home and Catalina Home)...
[replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files.
[replace] Replaced 1 occurrences in 1 files.
[replace] Replaced 2 occurrences in 1 files.
[replace] Replaced 1 occurrences in 1 files.
Database Server Installation:
[exec] This user must also own the server process.
[exec] The database cluster will be initialized with locale "English_United States.1252".
[exec] The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
[exec] Data page checksums are disabled.
[exec] initdb: directory "C:/PRPCPersonalEdition/pgsql/data" exists but is not empty
[exec] If you want to create a new database system, either remove or empty
[exec] the directory "C:/PRPCPersonalEdition/pgsql/data" or run initdb
[exec] with an argument other than "C:/PRPCPersonalEdition/pgsql/data".
[exec] pg_ctl: could not start server
[exec] Examine the log output.
[echo] Waiting for Postgres to start...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...
Unable to connect to database -- will retry in 1 second...