CSSA Practice Exam Material not Available
Looking to get find a practice exam. Content doesn't seem to be available for CSSA 7.3/7.4 courses.
Exam link on 7.2 course isn't accessible.
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Looking to get find a practice exam. Content doesn't seem to be available for CSSA 7.3/7.4 courses.
Exam link on 7.2 course isn't accessible.
Pega does not have a Practice exam for the CSA 7.4, CPBA 7.4, CSSA 7.4, PCSA 8 or PCBA 8 certification exams.
With that in mind, we recommend the following study tips:
Pega does not have a Practice exam for the CSA 7.4, CPBA 7.4, CSSA 7.4, PCSA 8 or PCBA 8 certification exams.
With that in mind, we recommend the following study tips:
As indicated on our Certification FAQ, Pega does not endorse or recommend using any study materials from third-party vendors. This includes websites or forums where brain dumps, exam answers, or study guides exist.
Pega Certification
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