
Evonsys Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 12 Jul 2024 14:34 EDT
Creating Table in App Studio
Hi All,
I need support on creating Table in App Studio.
eg : With a auto generated List Data page I need to create a View which is displaying the list of records.
Is there a way to achieve this WITHOUT using Dev Studio?
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Bits in Glass
@SameeraS yes it's possible.
App Studio-> Case type-> User interface tab -> Add button on view-> add a list view -> now in your list view select your data page -> below add columns you want to display
Now open your Form(assignment) from Forms view(below List view in the same screen)
Go to Fields-> Add- > Views-> select your view.

Evonsys Pvt Ltd
When I navigate to Views in CaseType I see only below screens. Is there any setting to add List Views?
Updated: 2 Dec 2023 8:12 EST

Bits in Glass
@SameeraS okay I saw different user interface screen, like it's more user friendly to access and create forms. But still it's add view in there. Please try views by adding from the first screenshot screen. Please check if you are getting option to add List view. My intension is to create a list view first and then add this list view to Form view.
I think this is theme cosmos application. I have the other kind of user interface in 8.8 only constellation based application. Please try if you are able to do the same steps above with your USer interface tab.

Evonsys Pvt Ltd
Yup this is Theme Cosmos. I think in Theme Cosmos we do not have this option.
Appreciate your help @Anoop Krishna

Bits in Glass
@SameeraS Can you please check below URL?

Evonsys Pvt Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Just after going through this article, I thought of getting help from Community, as I could not find the option. Thanks again.

Macquarie Group
Please see attached image as reference for ceating a table in app studio. Hopefully it can help. Thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
This seems to be a bug in the 8.8 version.
As per the documentation(,
- On the User interface tab, in the Views pane on the left side of the screen, click Add
It seems Add button is not available in App Studio. Please create a support ticket for 8.8 version.
In Infinity 24.1, you have the option to create a List view from App studio (Theme Cosmos) - attached screenshot for your reference