
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 5 Jun 2018 10:11 EDT
Created Product file from export wizard(export) in pega 7.3.0 version and tried to import into 7.3.1 version but getting issue when importing
Created product file for my application from export wizard in 7.3.0 pega version. while exporting showing the count as 5400 rules and product file is created with size as 3mb .
I tried to import the same to 7.3.1 pega version. but i am not able import
import wizard screen after selecting the file to import, file information is not showing and showing the message as "CodeSet-Default: true"
still i clicked on submit button, it will go to codeset name and version screen.
can you please let me know what could be the issue on exporting or importing the file.
it's very urgent please.
Thank you.