Create case by parsing XML and attaching pdf to the created case
Hi ,
We have a requirement as below:
We have two files one XML (e.g ABC.xml) and the other pdf(e.g ABC.pdf). The XML is prepared by some external XML generator by parsing the contents of the PDF and the generator is providing both these files into our Pega application folder. Note that the names of the files are same apart from the file type extension.
Now , the requirement is we need to parse the XML, create the case using the MetaData in the XML and finally attach the related PDF to the case. Using a file listener we have acheived this functionality of parsing the XML and creating the case. But the listener doesn't have the capability to wait and check for the related PDF by polling the network folder again. It can process only one file at a time (in this case its the XML) and the transaction is complete. It doesn't check/wait for the incoming pdf.
Is there a way we can invoke some functionality (java code ,Connect methods etc) to check if the pdf with same name exists in the network folder and if it exists we attach it to the case?