
700 Applications
Last activity: 30 Sep 2022 10:46 EDT
How to parse Excel attached to the case from queue processor / How to pass file path of a excel attached to the case
Hi all,
I have a requirement to parse excel which is attached to the case from backend processor (i.e. queue processor). I know that we can use OOTB activity 'pxParseExcelFile' to parse excel, this activity requires file path to execute its functionality. How to get file path of attached excel ? or do we have any alternative approaches to fulfill my requirement.
Note: 1) We need to parse 30,000+ records at a time, & save records to DB, That's why we planned to parse in backend instead of inside the case. 2) File listener we don't want to use for our requirement.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from Pega Academy to Product***