FileListener, Parse-Structured, unable to attach PDF to new case
Using Pega Platform 7.3.1.
I followed the instructions in this link:
I am able to parse the PDF and have the Data-WorkAttach-File with the correct pyAttachStream.
However, as the parse-Structured logic occurs before the creation of the case object, the pyWorkPage.pzInsKey has not been created and therefore the Link-Objects activity method or the call to Activity Work-.AttachFile does not work because the pyWorkPage (or MyServicePage) does not have the .pzInsKey value. Doing the file listener tracing, the .pzInsKey is not set until well after the Parse-Structured logic is invoked/completed. Can someone provide any guidance on what small thing I am missing?
So I am clear, this is the scenario I would like to happen.
1. PDF is dropped in pick up folder.
2. File Listener is configured to look at that folder.
3. Upon seeing that file, File Listener will create a new case and attach the PDF to that case.