
Blue Reply SRL
Last activity: 29 Jun 2022 13:53 EDT
Cosmos React - Constellation
we have installed, on our on premise server, Pega 8.6 and Constellation (Docker).
It seems all fine, I can open the react portal and Pega workspaces, but I won't be able to add or edit views/theme in app studio.
Looking at the browser network I see 401 unauthorized calls to the constellation docker, and on the docker logs i see the following error:
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/src/app/dist/customers/corecmpega/keystore.json'
What's that keystore.json? On the documentation I cannot find anything about that! What are the steps that I am missing?
Thanks, Nicolò
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Jose Navas -
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Blue Reply SRL
Can someone help us?

Pegasystems Inc.
@NicolòG3the workaround is to open the DSS ConstellationSvcURL - empty the value - save the record - add back the value and save again - the C11n static content server will re-synchronize the assets from the applications and Design view editing should be working fine

@RichardMarsot I have the same issue. I'm running running Pega personal edition, Constellation in docker. I *think* I have set things up correctly, including the certificates. Entry for ConstellationSvcURL = https://localhost:3443/prweb/constellation Two questions:
1) how can I verify that Constellation is running correctly?
2) I get below error in the log of constellation. I didn't specify a urlPath for Constellation when launching the docker image.
Clearing and setting the ConstellationSvcURL value doesn't help.
This is the log in docker:
1656340049080 GET localhost:3443 /prweb/constellation/8.7.0-163/v102/app/my-test/componentslist?field0=name&value0=DefaultForm
1656340049083 httpmain.getResponseForCmpList(v102, name, DefaultForm, undefined, undefined)
1656340049083 httpmain.authorizeRequest(bt:true)
1656340049084 jwt-handling.getPayload()
1656340049084 jwt-handling.isJwtValid(/usr/src/app/dist/customers/Bart-PC-Win11/keystore.json)
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:27:29 GMT Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/src/app/dist/customers/Bart-PC-Win11/keystore.json'
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:27:29 GMT INVALID_TOKEN
@RichardMarsot I have the same issue. I'm running running Pega personal edition, Constellation in docker. I *think* I have set things up correctly, including the certificates. Entry for ConstellationSvcURL = https://localhost:3443/prweb/constellation Two questions:
1) how can I verify that Constellation is running correctly?
2) I get below error in the log of constellation. I didn't specify a urlPath for Constellation when launching the docker image.
Clearing and setting the ConstellationSvcURL value doesn't help.
This is the log in docker:
1656340049080 GET localhost:3443 /prweb/constellation/8.7.0-163/v102/app/my-test/componentslist?field0=name&value0=DefaultForm
1656340049083 httpmain.getResponseForCmpList(v102, name, DefaultForm, undefined, undefined)
1656340049083 httpmain.authorizeRequest(bt:true)
1656340049084 jwt-handling.getPayload()
1656340049084 jwt-handling.isJwtValid(/usr/src/app/dist/customers/Bart-PC-Win11/keystore.json)
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:27:29 GMT Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/src/app/dist/customers/Bart-PC-Win11/keystore.json'
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:27:29 GMT INVALID_TOKEN
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/src/app/dist/customers/Bart-PC-Win11/keystore.json'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
path: '/usr/src/app/dist/customers/Bart-PC-Win11/keystore.json'
GET 401 /prweb/constellation/8.7.0-163/v102/app/my-test/componentslist?field0=name&value0=DefaultForm 5ms

@BartRoozendaal Just seeing this in the Inifinity logs. Guess I will have to look at the certificates again :-( Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

@BartRoozendaal This article eventually gave me the hint I was looking for. You need to add the certificate that Constellation is using to the cacerts store of Infinity. Since I was using the same certificate for both, I assumed that was not needed. It is. I have a running local installation now. ssl - Java: unable to find valid certification path to requested target - Stack Overflow

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @NicolòG3, Verify that your infinity server is pointing to the correct constellation URL and is able to connect to it. Misconfiguration of the DSS setting or network issues could be causing this. Furthermore ensure that in reverse the constellation server knows the infinity server and is able to connect to it. Both connections should go over HTTPS so also ensure they are trusting eachothers certs.
Updated: 19 Feb 2022 21:57 EST
how to make sure that both pega infinity and react ui is connected and able to communicate to each other ?
i have set up as per the instructions , but saw in developer tools errors as below that not able to download the JS file
Request URL:
did not find any folder in docker container
~ # find / -name "8.7.0-163"
but found two directory where it exists
~ # find / -name "bootstrap-shell.js" -print /usr/src/app/dist/pega/bootstrap-shell.js /usr/src/app/src/bootstrap-shell.js
Jose Navas