
Cognizant Technology Solution
Last activity: 19 Feb 2025 4:22 EST
Issue in Configuring published DX API Component in APP Studio- Cosmos React / Constellation
Hello - As per our use case we are trying to add a new (Rule-UI-Component) URL in the application. The button is displaying properly in story book and successfully published in Pega also.
But when we are trying to configure that in APP Studio, The New Control is not available in Display As option. The OOTB URL is the only option to configure.
On further investigation we have found - The Display As option is populates from D_pzAvailableControlsForField. Which populates from pzGetAvailableControlsForField data transform. In this DT all the controls are hardcoded.
Is there any aspects we are missing? could you please highlight.
PFA the details for the same.
Note - We followed this article -
(** Moderator removed originally-posted broken legacy link: **)
The implementation is done in Pega V8.8.1
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Support Case Details***
***Edited by Moderator Marije to update URL to current docs article "Using the field in App Studio":***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 19 Feb 2025 4:26 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@ANKITMITRA I have checked the support ticket INC-271872 which was logged to investigate this issue.
The support team worked with you to update the pega platform to use valid TSL cert / get the CA trusted cert file to run your platform and resave the app definition.
You confirmed that you were waiting to get the CA certified certificate. Our support team believes this Trusted cert. will resolve the problem
Other suggested steps:
- Open the application definition rule in dev studio, click Save button and capture the pegarules logs for exception details.
The ticket has been closed with the following notes:
Solution type:
Environment- 3rd Party Change
Solution description:
There has been a suggestion to match the constellation service version with pega platform version.
Once the necessary service docker image updated, there are failures due to "SSL Cert", updating the platform and constellation service containers with valid https cert should resolve the issue.
Please can you hit the 'Accept Solution' on this reply if your issue is resolved?

Pegasystems Inc.
@ANKITMITRA In addition to the Data transform App Studio asks the Constellation UI service for the list of custom controls using a REST API call. The call occurs when a view is opened or when the property panel is launched form the gears icon. The call to the service is visible in Dev tools network trace. Please open a service request if your custom control is successfully published, but not visible in App studio (not returned in list of custom components from the UI service). In the service request please specify if the component was published in application or system wide scope. If an application name isn't entered during publish the custom control defaults to system wide.

Cognizant Technology Solution
@MARTT Thanks for the reply.
Yes, we are able to publish the component successfully for the same, but yet it is to display in app studio. Have created a SR - INC-271872

Smart Communications
@ANKITMITRA Have you had any progress with this issue? I'm having the same problem on a trial instance (8.8.3) with a Text-paragraph field component. The REST calls seem to return my component but the "Display as" option is not available on all fields.
The pattern seems to be that for simple root level fields the "Display as" drop-down appears but for fields in an embedded field the drop-down is not available.

Cognizant Technology Solution
@RobertR16597299 Hi Robert - No, there is no progress. I have the SR open and had a discussion with the Pega Engineer.
Good to know that you are facing the same issue in 8.8.3 V, as it is advised to me to upgrade to 8.8.3 and check the behavior. At present i am in 8.8.1 V
Please keep me updated if you have any luck.

Pegasystems Inc.
Issue may not be related to platform version, It is mostly about the version of constellation service being used in the given platform version. Because, a platform version is compatible with specific version of constellation service and they are tightly bind. It is necessary that one-to-one (a pega 8.8.1 platform must use constellation 8.8.1 service) bind between platform and c11n service is must because the platform defines DX API structure which would be consumed by c11n service.
So, it is necessary that both platform and c11n services are in sync

Cognizant Technology Solution
@cherb Hi Tilak - the issue is still there with the same version of platform and C11n services. Probably the issue is something different.

Pegasystems Inc.
@ANKITMITRA please continue to work with the engineer in your open ticket INC-271872
I believe the current status is that GCS are going through your network traces (as of 19th July) and will work with you via the MSP support ticket.
Once you have an update feel free to post it on this thread as well.

ComponentMaker Limited
@ANKITMITRAHi - I noticed that Robert said he was using a trial instance. Is this also the same for you?

Cognizant Technology Solution
@Niall Riddell No, Its the actual edition.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 19 Feb 2025 4:26 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@ANKITMITRA I have checked the support ticket INC-271872 which was logged to investigate this issue.
The support team worked with you to update the pega platform to use valid TSL cert / get the CA trusted cert file to run your platform and resave the app definition.
You confirmed that you were waiting to get the CA certified certificate. Our support team believes this Trusted cert. will resolve the problem
Other suggested steps:
- Open the application definition rule in dev studio, click Save button and capture the pegarules logs for exception details.
The ticket has been closed with the following notes:
Solution type:
Environment- 3rd Party Change
Solution description:
There has been a suggestion to match the constellation service version with pega platform version.
Once the necessary service docker image updated, there are failures due to "SSL Cert", updating the platform and constellation service containers with valid https cert should resolve the issue.
Please can you hit the 'Accept Solution' on this reply if your issue is resolved?

@ANKITMITRA Did you find the solution for this as I am also facing similar issue while trying yo use Custom DX component. I am able to publish it but not able to see it in App Studio.
Updated: 19 Feb 2025 4:26 EST

@SravanKumarK16850390 to me custom components were not published to constellation ui service automatically (Pega 8.8.0). Declare trigger supposed to push them there did not work. Instead I executed pzPushComponentToC11NService manually with all params blank. Components were pushed to the service (which i could see in the logs in docker) and then appeared available in app studio.

@Pawel Sobolewski Thnx this also worked for us! Maybe pega should add this to the FAQ

Pegasystems Inc.
@JSPEKSCH please use the 'Feedback' button against the article where you would like to see your enhancement documented.
You can find it on the top right-hand corner of the article.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Pawel Sobolewski 8.8.0 delivered an early version of component publishing. Many changes have occured in later 8.8 patch and minor infinity releases to improve publish to service reliability. Please run 8.8 with the latest available patch release to mitigate publishing impediments.
Fellow, Product Management, User Experiences

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@Pawel Sobolewski I am having the same issue with Pega 24.2. How do I find this Declare Trigger? Cant find it in the pega rulebase.

Digital FastForward
I am having the same issue as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
@JacobH23 @ManashPratimC please can you see details in the following post?
Constellation DX Custom Component RAP not Pushing to APPStatic
Log a ticket via the MSP if you need specific investigation from our support teams.