
Last activity: 5 Mar 2022 8:04 EST
Cosmos React- Personal Edition 8.6
Is Cosmos React supported on Pega Personal Edition 8.6. I tried to setup, the details – DSS – CosmosServiceUIRl i.e the URL of constellation.
It's not working .
Please let me know, if anyone has tried the same.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 27 Sep 2021 9:59 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@Abhishek_Mondal 8.6 personal edition does not ship with a 'built-in' Cosmos React UI Service - you will have to install it yourself on your machine using one of the deployment options (docker for example) and then point to this static content server by updating the DSS
for more details on how to install it
Akihito Muroi Abhishek Mondal Zach Karpinski Jose Navas
Updated: 27 Sep 2021 9:59 EDT

@RichardMarsot Thanks Richard . I will try out this option and update.

Sparksoft corp
Is the same required for configuring Insights?
I am trying this in an On-Prem Sandbox environment. Do we have to set up a separate Cosmos React UI service?

Pegasystems Inc.
@VijayaBhaskerK this is correct - the 'Explore data' landing page that creates insights is build using Cosmos React and requires the UI Static content server - If you do not have the static UI server running, you can keep using the 'Report Browser' page

Morgan Stanley
@RichardMarsot " you can keep using the 'Report Browser' page" - Isnt Insights different from Report Browser? Report Browser allows querying Work Class only from report browsers and doesnt allow selective sharing of reports from report browser. Data Insights appear to be more easier and shareable right?
To summarise, are you saying Data Insights is unavailable for Theme Cosmos as stated in the release notes but only on REACT cosmos?

Pegasystems Inc.
@sudipg05 explore data can be used with Theme Cosmos as long as you provision the additional c11n static server in your environment which requires some additional effort and work. Report browser had the ability to share charts in different category and expose them to other users - the feature set is relatively similar.

Royal Bank of Canada
Hi Richard,
We are looking for some help on the similar kind of approach where we can use the 'explore data' in theme-cosmos (v8.5.2) and on-premise ( we are deploying our application in Websphere in AIX )
Is there any installation guide on how to install/setup the 'UI Static content server ' to use Cosmos React based UI.
-Thanks in Advance

Royal Bank of Canada
Hi Richard,
We are looking for some help on the similar kind of approach where we can use the 'explore data' in theme-cosmos (v8.5.2) and on-premise ( we are deploying our application in Websphere in AIX )
Is there any installation guide on how to install/setup the 'UI Static content server ' to use Cosmos React based UI.
I am mainly looking for the installation guide for deployment in Websphere in AIX which we are using for our application

Pegasystems Inc.
@TUHIND78 there is no installation guide for websphere because the Static content server is not a Java based application but a node JS app - the only available deployment configuration is through the docker image.
as indicated in one of the 2 links I provided before 'Explore the latest React-based run-time environment, which improves performance and responsiveness, and offers a revised set of user-friendly view and portal authoring tools. You can use Docker to install the Cosmos React UI framework in your on-premises development environment.'

BPM Company
hi Richard,
when running the docker container, in the output I got this message:
”1645115095929 httpmain.cllnInitialise() - storage service not available for use”
anything from the top of your head about how to solve it?
(see more details in the thread

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, This is just a log statement for our understanding, it doesn’t have any impact on docker-based static service running. And your constellation service is up and running on 3443 port.
Basil (Vasilii) Pozdeev
I did all the set up for 8.7 react-ui and when i tried to access from pega, it is always in wait state and from devtools find that it is not able to get the JS file from the below location.
Request URL:
Jose Navas

BPM Company
@Mukesh-Agrawal What docker image do you use?

AI4Process Ltd
@Mukesh-Agrawal did you get any fix? I am also facing same issue.