
Last activity: 14 Apr 2017 9:20 EDT
Convert PDF to JPG
Hi all,
I need to convert a PDF to JPG as I have got some problems with iframe and modal dialog when at some point of the case I need do display a preview of the PDF.
As a matter of fact, the iframe overlaps always the modal dialog compromising the UX.
A solution could be to convert in some way the PDF to a JPG, to be displayed directly inside its dedicated section with an Icon/Image control.
The questions are
1) Does it exist any OOTB solution?
2) Otherwise, is there a way to solve the problem with iframe overlapping?
Thank you very much.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you have to use an 'iframe' - or could you use an 'object' / 'embed' style tag instead ?
If you can try 'object' / 'embed' : see here :
There is an example of displaying a PDF (and other attachments) in a Modal Window.
I didn't see any issues with the PDF 'bleeding' across the rest of the UI when doing this - I tested with Chrome.

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you have to use an 'iframe' - or could you use an 'object' / 'embed' style tag instead ?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you have to use an 'iframe' - or could you use an 'object' / 'embed' style tag instead ?
If you can try 'object' / 'embed' : see here :
There is an example of displaying a PDF (and other attachments) in a Modal Window.
I didn't see any issues with the PDF 'bleeding' across the rest of the UI when doing this - I tested with Chrome.

thank you for your answer. I am just going to try and see if everything works and then I will let you know the result.

I have found this post, with your previous answer for the same issue.
It was very helpful, thank you very much!

Hi PRITJ, the solution worked for Chrome, but not for IE11.
Have you experienced this kind of issue? Have you got a solution for this?
thank you in advance

Pegasystems Inc.
@VincenzoP1948 - actually - if you still want to look at the possibility of rendering a PDF to an Image; there is an ('pdfBOX') API to do this; but as it is done on per-page basis - you'll need to work out some details - about how to 'stitch' together multiple pages together into single image.
On PRPC722: the following Java Step will render the first page (page zero) to a PNG file:
@VincenzoP1948 - actually - if you still want to look at the possibility of rendering a PDF to an Image; there is an ('pdfBOX') API to do this; but as it is done on per-page basis - you'll need to work out some details - about how to 'stitch' together multiple pages together into single image.
On PRPC722: the following Java Step will render the first page (page zero) to a PNG file:
byte[] byteArray=(byte[])tools.getParameterPage().getParameterValue("PDFDocument");
String imageName=tools.getParamValue("ImageName"); bis=null;
bis = new;
try {
org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument doc=org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument.load( bis );
org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = new org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer(doc);
java.awt.image.BufferedImage bim = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(0, 300 , org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.ImageType.RGB); //page 0. baos = new;
javax.imageio.ImageIO.write( bim, "png", baos );
String result=tools.sendFile(baos.toByteArray(), imageName, false, null, true);
catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e);}
finally {
if (bis!=null) {
try { bis.close(); }
catch(Exception e) { throw new PRRuntimeException(e); }
This assume two parameters: 'ImageName' (just a String like 'test.png' for instance) and a Java Object - this has to be an ByteArray holding the PDF content.
You test can with running a HTMLTOPDF operation first: then using the 'Pass Current Parameter Page' option when you can the 'wrapper' Activity above.
BTW: If you are not using PRPC722 - you will need to check which version of 'PDBox' is shipped with PRPC.
It appears the library was refactored slightly (it used to be 're-packaged' under a pega package; now it is using the same package name as the original Apache Library).
You can check your system using the following SQL:
select distinct(pzjar) from pr_engineclasses where upper(pzjar) like '%PDF%';
To get the version of the JAR; then you can use something like this to get the package name used:
select distinct(pzpackage) from pr_engineclasses where pzjar='pdfbox-2.0.1.jar'
order by pzpackage;
BTW: the actual implementation of the 'pdfBox' library has also changed between versions; see this StackOverflow post for the difference (I'm using code based on the second version 2.x example).

Pegasystems Inc.
Additionally: note you can vary the flags for the 'tools.sendFile' as well: if you need to 'inline' the image within a HTML page, rather than 'save-it' as an 'attachment'. (Change the last flag to 'false' for 'inlining' the image).

Thank you, I will try these two solutions and I will let you know.
Thanks again,