
Instellars Global Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Last activity: 29 Oct 2021 8:37 EDT
Convert any file(word, jpg, png, jpeg, odt,pdf) to PDF using activity
Hi experts,
I'm looking for an approach to convert any files to pdf and save the same in database. I went through various articles but didn't found any solution. Can someone please help me with this? Below are some articles I referred:
These links inform to use Apache POI library, but I have no idea on how to implement those. Some other links I found takes me to pages that shows "Page not found" messages.
This should work both in Mobile and Desktops.
The reason we are looking for this is attachment preview doesn't display word document in browser, it only downloads which is expected functionality as per information I got. Even if there is any way to show word or odts in preview will be helpful for our requirement.