
Last activity: 6 Mar 2017 12:14 EST
Consume Oracle Stored Procedure that returns CLOB as OUT Parameter
Hello - Does PRPC support consuming a CLOB OUT parameter from a stored procedure? When we tried with this integration it works fine until the size of the CLOB is upto 32K bytes, when the CLOB data size/length exceeds 32K we are encountering "code: 6502 SQLState: 65000 Message: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ".
Sample Stored Procedure Definition:
\{CALL TEST_STORED_PROC( {MyServicePage.RequestJson IN},
{MyServicePage.ResponseJson OUT} )
Both the RequestJson and the ResponseJson are defined as Text properties in PRPC. I am thinking that PRPC considers these as VARCHAR types when doing to the SQL integration and tries to capture the stored procedure output in the ResponseJson element, since it cannot accommodate the CLOB if it is more than 32K it throws the SQL error.
Is there any other design approach in PRPC that can be considered to integrate with the stored procedures that return CLOB?
Thank you!