Is it possible to read a BLOB returned from an Oracle Stored Procedure via a Connect SQL Rule ?
I want to retrieve some content from a legacy system which has an Oracle PL / SQL Interface as follows
procedure document_search_by_id(
doc_id_in IN char,
doc_found_out OUT NUMBER,
doc_content_out OUT BLOB
I've tried invoking this using this in the Connect SQL rule that is called by an RDB-List step in an activity:
\{call document_search_by_id(
{MyDoc.DocumentFound out},
{MyDoc.Content out })
MyDoc is a step page with DocumentId as Text, DocumentFound as Integer, and Content as text, however I get the following error:
There was a problem performing a database query: There was a problem getting a list: code: 6550 SQLState: 65000 Message: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'DOCUMENT_SEARCH_BY_ID' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
I know that the DocumentId and DocumentFound types are correct by removing the Content parameter from the interface, but I can't find a type for Content that seems to match BLOB and removes this error.
Has any implemented retrieving a BLOB from a Stored Procedure in Pega 7 ?