Last activity: 16 Jan 2020 8:59 EST
Case type with a data type field "does not yet have any fields defined"
I have created a data type Customer with some fields, let's say Name and Email (and created the automatic three data pages to get one, list all, or save one).
I then created a case type Add A Customer. It has a MyCustomer field, of type Customer. I then used the harness of the Create view, which I edited. I simply typed "MyCustomer" as a field of the create view, and it auto-populated with the fields Name, and Email.
What happened:
When I run the case, I fill the form, and then upon completion, it gives me the case review screen, with the following message :
"The Add Customer case type does not yet have any fields defined."
What I expected: it creates a case and records the value of the form in the MyCustomer field.
How can I fix that ? Given that the case obviously has the MyCustomer field.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****