
BPM Company
Last activity: 14 Sep 2017 11:31 EDT
Cannot add custom field to ruleset
I want to add a custom field to a few rulesets, but I am unable to do that on one of them.
In this ruleset I have created a new ruleset version (and added a rule to show it really is an open ruleset version):
But when I switch to the History tab and press "Add field" under "Custom Fields" I get an error:
Clearly this is an erroneous error. I tried opening the old ruleset version (01-01-01), no change. I tried deleting and re-creating the new ruleset version, no change.
Does anyone know what is causing this? Might this be a result of a migration from Pega 6 to 7?
Message was edited by: Marissa Rogers - Added Category
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Accepted Solution

BPM Company
I've written an activity to delete the .pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields property and afterwards I was able to add the custom fields.

Could you try re-logging to PRPC after creating new ruleset version or may be re-saving application rule? I remember facing a similar issue with Pega 7 where I have done one of these after creating a new version, but cannot recall exact scenario.

BPM Company
Thanks for your suggestions. I tried both, but neither worked.

Pegasystems Inc.
Testing mesh.

Pegasystems Inc.
- could we trace why the visible when expression pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields = 'true' is evaluated from Rule-RuleSet-Name clipboard page?
- may be a refresh is needed post new version creation...
Please share your thoughts/observations, Thank you!

BPM Company
Sorry for the late response. I can confirm that pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields is indeed true, but I have been unable to determine why.

BPM Company
I'm chasing the error down, but it only gets more weird.
In the activity Rule-pzPreProcessingForCustomFields there is a Property-Set (step 8) that sets pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields to false when @LengthOfPageList(CustomFieldsRSVs.pxResults) == 0.
The tracer shows that the when evaluates to false. However, the clipboard clearly shows that CustomFieldsRSVs.pxResults contains one page!
I'm flabbergasted

BPM Company
I seem to be on to something. I ran a report definition on Rule-RuleSet-Name listing .pyRuleSetName and .pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields. Ignoring the guardrail warning (unoptimized property), I ran the report.
For all rulesets, the .pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields is empty EXCEPT for the problematic ruleset. It is the only one with the value .pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields = false.
Accepted Solution

BPM Company
I've written an activity to delete the .pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields property and afterwards I was able to add the custom fields.

HCL Technologies
I had faced the same issue in PRPC 7.2.2 - Wrote a activity to remove this pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields but it did not help (Property-Remove).
Later, i had set this property value(pyNoOpenRuleSetForCustomFields) to false and it worked.