Can we select Pega 7.4 on Pega Cloud?
Hi team,
Can we select Pega 7.4 on Pega Cloud? Or do you only provide the latest version?
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Hi team,
Can we select Pega 7.4 on Pega Cloud? Or do you only provide the latest version?
Accepted Solution
To answer your question in short,
Yes, we do provide Pega Version 7.4 on our Cloud deployments
Thank You
For Pega Express (a free trial hosted on the Pega Cloud), I am not aware of that you can select
For Pega Express (a free trial hosted on the Pega Cloud), I am not aware of that you can select Pega 7.4. The current latest version is Pega 8.1.
So, you will get Pega 8.1 if you place a trail request.
Thank you for your reply. My original question is about Product version, not a free trial. Do you know about Product version?
Accepted Solution
To answer your question in short,
Yes, we do provide Pega Version 7.4 on our Cloud deployments
Thank You
Thank you!
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