
Posted: Jun 8, 2016
Last activity: Nov 11, 2016
Last activity: 11 Nov 2016 4:13 EST
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We have a requirement to drill down a reports based on a selected pie from a pie chart
I was not able to see any options for drill down in 7 1 9
We have an option in Report Viewer tab, but even after including the report name in the below mentioned option, we are not able to drill down the report from the selected pie in the pie chart.
Hi Kishore,
If you have configured the drill down report, it should navigate to it when you click on pie in the chart. Do you see any errors when you try to open the drill down report. Also, can you please share the screen shots of the chart and RD configuration.
I have the same scenario of displaying drill down data when clicked on chart diagram. did you find out any solution for this
Hi Kishore,
It is working as expected for me. Can you please send screenshots of all tabs of the report definition.
Hi Kishore,
Have you confirgured that report definition in a section using a chart control. If yes, then it won't work. Please provide an update on your issue.
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