
Last activity: 30 Apr 2019 18:38 EDT
Drill down pie chart in Dashboard in Pega 7
Hi All,
I know this issue was discussed plenty of times in the forum but in the following post -
Venkatasan said that this can be achieved by doing some changes in FusionCharts.js. Has anyone tried that approach or do you guys have any other approach to achieve this?
As mentioned in one of the forums, I'm able to display the report upon clicking the pie chart but the problem is it doesn't take the slice as a where clause and display filtered results. I want to pass the slice as a param and display filtered results. Attached is the configuration which I did.
We are using Pega 7.2.2, any help/pointers would surely help me.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***