Centene Corporation
Last activity: 20 Dec 2019 13:13 EST
Can robot diagnostics log layout be changed?
I am trying to change the layout used by the log4net publisher. We have requirements to ship the logs in a specific format to our ELK stack. However, the logs are not responding to any changes in the layout parameter, not even minor changes.
Runtime version: 8.0.2044.0
I'm changing the layout in C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Runtime Enterprise\RuntimeConfig.xml
publisher: Log4NetPublisher
appender: RollingFileAppender
I've changed values in the Layout property of this appender. In addition to attempting the required layout, I also attempted to make minor and pointless changes. None of my editing resulted in a formatting change of any kind in the logs. Is this actually an editable configuration? We've based this effort on the assumption that the log4net configuration is actually being used by the runtime to populate the diagnostics log.