
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 25 Apr 2018 12:27 EDT
Bulk optimize embedded page properties
We have an activity pzOptimizeAProperty to optimze a toplevel property. I have written a loop to optimize all toplevel properties.
How do i bulk optimize embedded page properties. This activity does not seem to support optimizing embedded page properties.
My requirement is i will give a list of all embedded page properties to an activity which has to optimize then at once.
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Pegasystems Inc.
I think it is not possible.
Lets see what others will say on this.

Morgan Stanley
I'm still awaiting reply from the forum :)

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Avinash,
I assume by optimize, you are talking about doing so for reporting. You can't optimize embedded pages because only a scalar can be exposed in the database. I would actually caution against optimizing all your top level properties as well, because there is a performance hit for every property exposed. While that hit is generally marginal, if you have hundreds of exposed properties, those marginal hits can add up and start to have a real impact. Generally, you should only expose a property if you think you will need to review the exposed columns. If you don't have a specific need for a property, you are better off leaving it in the blob.

Morgan Stanley
Thanks Mike.
Actually below is what i'm looking for
in my case type PegaDemo-Work-MyNewCase i have a page Customer of class PegaDemo-Data-Customer which has Customer ID. To optimize it, i right click on Customer ID and run through the optimize wizard.
If i have to repeat the above process for several properties in the implementation layer it is tedious.
I have found a way to optimize top level properties. But how do i optimize the embedded page properties :)

LTI Mindtree
It would not be possible to optimized embedded properties. However, you can create declare index on such properties to use in your reports.
Refer below link:
I hope this will help.

Morgan Stanley
The embedded page which i am referring in this scenario is a single page and not a page list and hence i don't think we need a declare index.
Please feel free to correct me

LTI Mindtree
Yeah right, that is absolutely possible. You can try pointers provided by other experts.

I've tried to optimize an embedded property using the same activity 'pzOptimizeAProperty' and it worked. There are few parameters which seemed to be necessary to expose an embedded property. Please check the attached screenshot for the params.
Anupam Sarkar