Last activity: 3 Jun 2020 13:02 EDT
BIX Extract (invoked from Pega Agent) 8.4 Dynamic Folder Location using File Specification Tab
We have upgraded from Pega 7.2.2 hosted on Pega Cloud to 8.4 hosted on AWS Private Cloud.
We are Running BIX extract using Pega Agent and the Agent activity used is "pyExtractDataByArgs".
7.2.2 Pega Cloud - File Specification Tab is hidden and all the extracted files were stored in common Location using DSS Pega-RULES • BIX/sharedpath and we were able to give environment specific path like
8.4 Implementation in File Specification Tab, Folder location is mandatory and there is a validation while saving the rule to check the Path.
It does not support Global resource settings.
Can anyone please help me to set the Dynamic Folder Location for an extract rule.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***