
Vodafone - _VOIS India Pvt. Limited
Last activity: 1 Feb 2023 11:55 EST
How to Exclude pzInsKey,pxExtractIdentifier,pxExtractDateTime from BIX extract
We are using Pega 8.6.3 platform.
We have a BIX requirement where need to export the csv file of work data via BIX extract.
Issue: While exporting pzInsKey,pxExtractIdentifier,pxExtractDateTime automatically is getting added in CSV file. Now EDW team, doesn't want this unnecessary added pz,px properties in CSV.
Not getting any OOTB configuration o eliminate the same from CSV.
Could you please suggest how to remove the pzInsKey,pxExtractIdentifier,pxExtractDateTime from CSV file while generating via BIX Extract rule?