
Incessanttechnologies Pvt Limited
Last activity: 11 Dec 2019 8:06 EST
BatchOut Table column population in Pega Marketing 7.22
Can someone help me to understand how Batchout table populates the columns?
I have dig into the OOTB code and found out that Pega try to create a BatchOut table in the background with all the StrategySRClass properties. Basically they check the classes which is defined on “Data-pxStrategyResult” and creates the column. We have currently 2000 properties at SR class and pega also try to create table with 2000 columns. Since Oracle has cap of 1000 columns, a DB error is thrown.
I can see from the Java code that they filter following properties.
It’s not start with "pz"
it's not a page, pagelist or pagegroup property
It is not the transient property.
it's decisioningitem in pyCustomFields matches .pyConfigType (In my case ConfigType is “Strategy”)
If the above analysis is correct? I would like to understand that how pega will address this? when we have more than 1000 columns to be eligible for BatchOut table.