
Ernst and Young
Last activity: 16 Jun 2019 1:53 EDT
Back to Back SLA Configuration does not work in PEGA
In our Application, we have 3 stages- Initiation , Processing and Resolution. Initiation Flow has One assignment , Processing Flow has one assignment and Resolution Flow has 2 Assignments.
Requirement: Once the User passes the first screen(After Initiation screen passes ) , we have three Case Type SLAs (Utility Activity with Name SLA1, SLA2 and SLA3 respectively) configured based on various business Scenarios and these three utility shapes are connected back to back before the case reaches the Assignment in Processing Flow.
Expected Result : When the SLA is reached , emails should be triggered from all SLA Activities across all 3 SLA Rules.
Issue: Emails are triggered only from SLA3 .The other two sla rules - SLA 1 and SLA2 does not work.
The properties set on SLA Rule are setting perfectly during runtime . (For Example, if A and B are the goal and Deadline value for SLA1 , X and Y are the goal and Deadline for SLA2 , P and Q are the goal and Deadline property for SLA3).
Mail is triggered only from SLA3 and not from SLA2 and SLA3
Please help me , so that emails are triggered from all 3 SLA Rules.
(Refer Screenshot )
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***