Tata Consulting Services
Last activity: 24 Aug 2016 1:52 EDT
Automatic process to monitor Listeners and Agents without manually cheking SMA
We have a requirement to monitor if Listeners and Agents are running in a given node. Our idea is to write an agent activity which will take node name and listener/agent rule name as parameter return status of listener and agent. This agent activity will run for every 1 hour or so check the status and trigger email if agent or listener is down
We couldn't locate any table in Pega where we can verify if a given listener and agent are up and running or not. We tried to find out source for Listener management and Agent management in SMA but was unsuccessful. Need inputs on finding source where we can query and find if a listener or agent is running or not. Basically, we trying to have completely automated process to monitor and notify instead manually checking SMA .
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***